Patient Management Solutions

4 reasons to use a switchboard service for your medical practice

At ptSource, we take pride in elevating patient access to a standard that medical practices couldn’t achieve on their own. Our medical practice switchboard service will do more than just improve your bottom line – it will transform your practice. Here are four reasons to connect with us today about our switchboard service:

1. It will save you money

This goes without saying, but we’re going to say it anyway: one considerable advantage of healthcare outsourcing services and implementing a remote medical practice switchboard service saves you some serious money.

Full-time employees work regular hours and cost the same whether your practice is busy or slow. Our switchboard service allows you to only pay for what you need – and scale your resources up or down to meet your practice’s demands.

2. Benefit from patient access specialists with medical experience

Instead of spending valuable time training receptionists on call procedures, contract with already trained, HIPAA-compliant patient access specialists who know the industry inside and out.

Our specialists have medical experience and a deep understanding of the switchboard process. You can rest assured that your patient’s calls will be routed seamlessly from day one.

3. Building capacity for your practice is an investment in your staff

A medical practice is only as good as its personnel. The time your high-quality staff spends answering calls is time better spent on tasks that can grow your business.

Not to mention you’ll get to keep your crew feeling fulfilled at work by allowing them to spend time developing professionally and improving the business. Leave the busy work to us.

4. Access to better technology – without splurging on it

You probably spend the bulk of your research and development resources focused on the newest developments to your medical specialty, not the top technologies for switchboard services.

Patient access is our business, so we spend our resources obtaining the best technology money can buy – and you and your patients get to reap the benefits.

Allow us to do what we do best so that we can allow you to do what you do best, while our healthcare technology services helps you stay nimble. You focus on treating your patients. We’ll focus on getting you connected. Set up a meeting today.

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